Document Number: |
AJ-097 |
Author: |
Floyd, Charles, died 1804 |
Title: |
The Original Journal of Sergeant Charles Floyd, 1804 [manuscript] |
Source: |
Draper Manuscripts: William Clark Papers, 6 M, Wisconsin Historical Society. |
Pages/Illustrations: |
59 / 0 |
Citable URL: | |
Author Note
Sergeant Charles Floyd (1782-1804) came from a family of
Kentucky pioneers who were also early settlers of Indiana, and
may have been a distant relative of William Clark. Meriwether
Lewis recalled him as a �young man of much merit� and he was
elevated to the rank of sergeant before the Lewis and Clark expedition
commenced. He died only three months into the trip, probably
from a ruptured appendix, and is buried at Floyd�s Bluff near
present-day Sioux City, Iowa.
Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804-1806
For a thorough summary of the Lewis and Clark Expedition's historical
context and itinerary, and short biographies of both Clark and Lewis,
see the 44-page introduction in volume one (AJ-100a) of the Original
Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806 by the
journals' editor, Reuben Gold Thwaites. For other documents related
to the expedition, see AJ-090, AJ-140, AJ-146, AJ-147, and AJ-160.
Document Note
Floyd�s journal was acquired by collector and historian Lyman
C. Draper, who appears never to have mentioned it to his closest
colleagues. Draper�s successor at the Wisconsin Historical
Society, Reuben Gold Thwaites, was surprised to discover it
among Draper�s papers after his death. It was first printed in
the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society in
1894, edited by Draper�s and Thwaites� associate James Davie
Butler. It is also printed in volume seven of the Thwaites
edition, AJ-100g. The manuscript today is volume 6M of the
William Clark Papers in the Draper Manuscripts at the Wisconsin
Historical Society.
Other Internet and Reference Sources
Butler, James Davie. "The New Found Journal of Charles Floyd,
a Sergeant under Captains Lewis and Clark," in Proceedings
of the American Antiquarian Society, vol. 9 (April 1894), pp.
The community of Sioux City, Iowa maintains a web sitedevoted to
Floyd at
that contains photographs and background information.
The literature on Lewis and Clark is immense, both in print and
on the web. For an online summary of it, see the 1904 bibliography
by Victor Hugo Paltsits in document AJ-100a, pages lxi-xciii. This
should be supplemented by The Literature of the Lewis and Clark
Expedition: A Bibliography and Essays issued by Lewis and Clark
College in 2003, for twentieth-century publications.
A useful starting point for information about the expedition is
the Library of Congress online exhibit, "Rivers, Edens and Empires:
Lewis and Clark and the Revealing of America," at
The National Archives has created many resources for teaching and
learning about Lewis and Clark within its "We the People" web site
lewis_and_clark.html. This includes digitized documents, background
texts, photographs, and lesson plans.
The official report of the expedition, Nicholas Biddle's 1814 History
of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark,
to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains
and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, is online at the
Library of Congress �Meeting of Frontiers� project at
Other documents relating to the expedition are part of its "Louisiana
Purchase Legislative Timeline" at
These include the House of Representatives report on the "Explorations
of the Western Waters of the United States" by Lewis and Clark,
various acts to compensate the explorers for their labors, and documents
concerning their appointments as governors of Missouri and Louisiana
after the expedition.
Two web sites built as part of the Lewis and Clark Expedition bicentennial
also contain helpful information and links. The U.S. government's
site at
is a cooperative venture of 32 federal agencies. The non-governmental
National Council of the Lewis & Clark Bicentennial is a joint
effort by historical societies, Indian nations, scholars, businesses,
and all other interested parties; its web site is at