Document Number: |
AJ-035 |
Author: |
Lane, Ralph, died 1603 |
Title: |
Lane's Account of the Englishmen Left in Virginia, 1585-1586 |
Source: |
Burrage, Henry S. (editor). Early English and French Voyages, Chiefly from Hakluyt, 1534-1608. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906). Pages 245-271. |
Pages/Illustrations: |
30 / 1 |
Citable URL: | |
Author Note
Ralph Lane (died 1603) was the second son of Sir Ralph Lane of
Horton, Northamptonshire, England, and his wife Maud, daughter of
William, Lord Parr. Lane was elected a member of Parliament in 1558.
In 1563, he entered the service of Elizabeth I as a royal attendant,
and later assisted the government in putting down rebellions in
Ireland and in planning military efforts against the Spanish. In
1585, Lane was appointed governor of Sir Walter Raleigh�s proposed
colony on Roanoke Island. After the English abandoned Roanoke in
1586, Lane hoped to lead another expedition to Virginia, but never
returned to America, although Raleigh sent another colony to Roanoke
in 1587. He resumed his activities against Spain and spent the rest
of his life filling military posts in England and Ireland. William
FitzWilliam, Lord Deputy of Ireland, knighted Lane in 1593. The
following year, Irish rebels wounded Lane during an uprising. He
never fully recovered from his injuries, and died in Dublin in October
Roanoke Expedition and Settlement, 1584-1586
The expedition left England April 27, 1584, with two ships to establish
an English colony at Roanoke, North Carolina. The text presented
here covers Lane�s administration of the colony from August 17,
1585, to June 18, 1586. Among Ralph Lane�s company of colonists,
Sir Walter Raleigh sent Thomas Harriot, a mathematician and scientist,
to study the native inhabitants as well as to explore and describe
the economic potential of the region�s plants, animals, and minerals.
To assist Harriot and Lane, Raleigh also hired John White, an artist,
to make maps of the region and paint watercolors depicting the company�s
discoveries; contemporary copies of White�s drawings are reproduced
in AJ-119.
Raleigh�s colony did not start off well. The flagship,
Tiger, ran aground approaching the coast of North Carolina
and most of the colony�s food supplies were lost. After
establishing the colony on Roanoke Island, Lane sent expeditions
up to the Chesapeake Bay area and led an exploratory trip up the
Chowan River. Lane�s policy of intimidation towards the Roanoke
Indians and the settlement�s contradictory dependence on them
for food soon led to problems. Living in fear of imminent attack
and death by starvation, Lane despaired that the promised relief
ship would ever come. These factors undoubtedly influenced the
decision to abandon the Roanoke settlement. When Sir Francis
Drake�s fleet anchored off Roanoke Island in June 1586, Drake
agreed to leave men, supplies, and a ship behind so that the
settlers would be able to return to England. Before the
arrangements were finalized, however, a hurricane scattered the
fleet and forced out to sea the ship that Drake offered to leave
for Lane and his men. When the storm subsided, Lane and the
settlers hastily boarded the remaining ships and abandoned their
colony. In the process of evacuation, Drake�s sailors threw
overboard most of the colony�s documents in order to save
weight. This resulted in the loss of much of the information the
colonists had gathered. The relief ship, followed by three more
commanded by Sir Richard Grenville, arrived at the colony
shortly after it had been deserted. Many criticized Lane�s lack
of faith in Grenville but he and the other colonists still
enjoyed minor celebrity upon their return to England.
This document presents the most thorough account of the
general operations undertaken by Lane and his men. It is
particularly important for the account it provides of the
deteriorating English and Native American relations, and for its
insights into Lane�s decision to abandon the colony and sail
back to England with Drake�s fleet.
Document Note
Ralph Lane�s narrative first appeared in Richard Hakluyt�s
Principall Navigations. . . (London: George Bishop and Ralph
Newberie, 1589), 737-748.
Other Internet and Reference Sources
The State Library of North Carolina web site describes this first
English settlement at
This text is also available from a variety of other online sources,
including the University of North Carolina's �Documenting the American
South� and the University of Virginia Library's Electronic Text
Center's Virtual Jamestown at
For specific information on the Roanoke Colony, see the
National Parks Service site, �Roanoke Revisited� at
The National Park Service has also placed their Fort Raleigh guidebook
online at
Hume, Ivor No�l. The Virginia Adventure: Roanoke to James
Towne, an Archeological Odyssey. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
1994) discusses the archaeological evidence that survives from
Short treatments of this first encounter between English
settlers and Native Americans are:
Axtell, James. �At the Water�s Edge: Trading in the Sixteenth Century,�
in After Columbus: Essays in the Ethnohistory of Colonial North
America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), 144-81.
Salisbury, Neal.
�The Indians� Old World: Native Americans
and the Coming of Europeans,� William and Mary Quarterly,
3rd ser., 53 (July 1996): 435-58.
Trigger, Bruce G. and William R. Swagerty. �Entertaining Strangers:
North America in the Sixteenth Century,� in The Cambridge History
of the Native Peoples of the Americas, Volume I: North America,
Part I (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 325-98. |