Document Number: |
AJ-094 |
Author: |
Verrazzano, Giovanni da, 1485?-1527 |
Title: |
Voyage of John de Verazzano, along the Coast of North America, from Carolina to Newfoundland, A.D. 1524 |
Source: |
Collections of the New-York Historical Society. (New York: New York Historical Society, 1841). Second series, volume 1, pages 37-67. |
Pages/Illustrations: |
19 / 0 |
Citable URL: | |
Author Note
Giovanni da Verrazzano (1485?-1527) was born in or around
Florence. Very little is known of Verrazzano�s life prior to his
first voyage to America. In 1526 Verrazzano and his brother led
an unsuccessful French attempt to round Cape Horn but, repulsed
by storms, explored the coast of Brazil instead before returning
to France the next year. In 1528 the brothers headed an
expedition to Central America during which, after reaching
Florida and crossing the Caribbean to the coast of Panama,
Verrazzano was killed.
Exploration of 1524
When Ferdinand Magellan returned to Europe from the first
voyage around the globe in the autumn of 1522, he proved that
Asia and its riches could be reached by sailing west across the
Atlantic. Unfortunately, his route around South America via Cape
Horn was long and dangerous, so European rulers and investors
became more interested than ever in finding an alternative. By
then, the Portuguese had explored southern American coasts; the
Spanish, thanks to Columbus (see AJ-061 to AJ-068) and Ponce de
Leon ( see AJ-095), knew the coastline from Venezuela to Florida; and
the English under Cabot�s lead had begun to chart the far north
(see AJ-069). No one knew, however, what lay between the Spanish in
Florida and the English in Newfoundland, so the French, largely
left behind in the misguided race for Asia-America, decided to
find out.
In March 1523, French king Francis I hired Italian navigator
Giovanni da Verrazzano (Jean de Verrazane in French records and
John Verrazzano in the Victorian translation given here) to
investigate a route to Asia. Verrazzano left that summer by a
northern route with four ships, two of which were quickly sunk
in the mid-Atlantic and the other two driven back to France by a
storm. Verrazzano gathered his remaining resources and set out
again on January 17, 1524, in a single ship, this time striking
south across the Atlantic.
He sighted land near Cape Fear, North Carolina, and turned
south for 160 miles to explore the coast toward the Spanish
possessions. Fearing an international incident, he turned north
again and reached the Outer Banks on March 25, 1524. For the
next eight weeks he coasted northward, visiting with local
Indians (whom he observed closely and, in general, treated with
respect) and carefully noting the landscape, harbors, rivers,
islands, plants, and animals. He explored New York harbor and
described Manhattan Island, both of which would be forgotten for
nearly another century. In June he anchored at present-day
Newport, Rhode Island, for two weeks in order to take on fresh
food and water, and then continued north past Cape Cod to the
coasts of Maine and Cape Breton. He returned to France on July
8, 1524.
Document Note
Verrazzano sent the letter given here to his sponsor, Francis
I, telling the king what he had found. The original manuscript
of the letter is now in the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York.
A facsimile, with an authoritative text and the standard English
translation, is in Lawrence C. Wroth�s The Voyages of
Giovanni da Verrazano, 1524-1528 (New Haven: Yale Univ.
Press, 1970)
Other Internet and Reference Sources
A more complete biography and account of this voyage is
online as part of Discoverers Website at |