Choosing a Topic
Backing into Topic Selection:
Or, Don Juan de O�ate leads a 21st Century expedition to
select a manageable National History Day topic.
Most historians select a topic for research from interesting
information they have found while reading a secondary source, or from
curiosity about some event or person. In essence, that could be called
the �normal� way to begin a research project, whether it is for a
National History Day entry or for a doctoral dissertation, because
more people have access to secondary sources than to primary
documentation. Even so, we should not dismiss the possibility that
inspiration can come directly from primary sources. Since the
American Journeys project consists
exclusively of original documents, and since both teachers and
students will have easy access to them through the Internet, it is
fitting for us to examine some of the possibilities for selecting
topics and doing research by working first in primary sources.
Using excerpts from some of the documents that relate to Don Juan
de O�ate, AJ-010-015 and AJ-101 through AJ-105, to illustrate the
process, we will follow the clues in the other direction to show how
students can enter upon research from the original material as
successfully as by working from the secondary sources toward
manuscript collections and published primary sources.
The extensive reports of O�ate�s attempts to colonize the province
of �New� Mexico between 1596 and 1605 provide an extensive early
written history for parts of the southwestern United States. It is
fairly well known that the oldest continuous settlement by Europeans
in America was the Spanish fort at what is now St. Augustine in
Florida, established in 1565. But establishing a town there was not
the Spaniards� original intent. St. Augustine was set up as a small
military outpost, not a village of settlers who desired to create a
community and remain. Such an effort did occur only 33 years later, in
the harsh southwestern desert climate, more than a thousand miles from
the Spanish seat of government in Mexico City, when a party of around
500 persons marched north from �Old� Mexico to stake claims on the
land of the Pueblo Indians in what is the present-day state of New
In their colonizing efforts, the Spanish, like the French in the
northeast, did not expect to replicate their mother country in
America. As one writer said, they �sought to populate [their]
far-flung northern frontier. . . less by settling Spanish. . . people
there than by transforming the indigenous population into Hispanicized
and loyal subjects of the Spanish Crown.� While English colonies
generally ousted or destroyed the native populace that occupied the
lands they required, New Spain �sought to use the Catholic Church to
evangelize the Indians and make them into gente de ras�n
(people of reason): Spanish-speaking, Catholic, peasant farmers who
followed Euro-Christian practices . . .�
Juan de O�ate, leader of the expedition, was the son of Cristob�l
de O�ate, a wealthy miner, and Catalina de Salazar. He was born around
1550, probably in Zacatecas, Mexico. He married Isabel de Tolosa
Cort�s Moctezuma, a descendant of both Hern�n Cort�s and Aztec emperor
Moctezuma. In 1595 O�ate was appointed governor of New Mexico and
received a royal contract authorizing him to move with a large group
of colonists into the area north of El Paso del Norte.
If one of your students is interested in studying an early
Southwestern topic, he or she might well look at the O�ate adventure
with view to doing further research for a National History Day
project. Be warned however, it will probably become apparent rather
quickly-if not to the student, certainly to you-that to do an entry on
everything about Don Juan O�ate is simply not possible within the time
and size limitations of the program. More than 100 pages from the two
volume set edited by George P. Hammond have been made available in
American Journeys. An additional seventy pages on O�ate�s
adventures are available from Herbert Eugene Bolton�s work. If you are
lucky enough to be able to lay hands on complete originals of the
three books, your student could have access to nearly 1,500 pages of
information in those volumes alone-not to mention other original and
secondary sources that can be found. Not all the documents either in
Hammond or in Bolton are available on the American Journeys
site, but a quick look at what is there will reveal to you that most
sixth through tweltfh grade students will have a bit of trouble
digesting it all! To condense that into the length limits of a History
Day entry would probably require the services of a professional editor
if not a magician with magic sheers in place of the proverbial magic
wand. So, what to do; how to do it?
A good way to ferret out information that will lead to a manageable
topic would be to consult the Background files on American
Journeys. Those provide brief statements about each of the
documents, giving enough information to let students preview to make
the full document and decide whether it interests them. Another
possibility is to refer to introductions or finding aids to
collections held by libraries, historical societies, or manuscript
collections. For anyone who finds the O�ate materials appealing,
consult the introduction to Bolton�s book at your local library or
through Interlibrary Loan. It provides a good example of how an
editor�s introductory remarks can aid your students in topic
selection. Perusal of just the first page will yield several other
subjects for research. For example, in the first sentence Bolton
mentions expeditions by �Rodr�guez� and �Espejo,� presuming knowledge
that most of us do not have about who they were. In the second
paragraph he introduces Crist�bal Mart�n, who asked for permission to
conquer and settle New Mexico at his own expense as early as
1583-another possible topic. And in the final paragraph on page one,
we learn of Francisco Diaz de Vargas who also asked for the privilege
of settling in the northern region, which is to us �the Southwest.�
Since Bolton gives us no details, we might wonder about him as well.
But the point is that there, in the space of a single page of a
twelve-page introduction, are four subjects, Rodr�guez,
Espejo, Mart�n, and Diaz de Vargas, that might be
worthy of further research, in addition to O�ate himself.
Lacking our own personal historian of the early southwest to fill
in our knowledge gaps, we might well ask, �Who, then, were these
guys?� A quick cyber-trip to the Background files on the American
Journeys Web site will yield the facts that Rodr�guez was
Brother (Fray) Agustin Rodr�guez (see also AJ-006, �Brief and True
Account of the Exploration of New Mexico), that he led an expedition
north beginning on June 5, 1581, from Santa B�rbara, that he was
accompanied by soldiers Phelipe de Escalante (see also AJ-006)
and Hernando Barrado (see also AJ-005, �Declaration of Hernando
Barrado, 1582�), and that the commanding officer of the detachment of
nine soldiers was Francisco Sanchez Chamuscado. Escalante and
Barrado wrote about the trip, urging Spanish officials to begin
colonies in the land they had explored, and including information
about �interactions between the expedition party and Native Americans
and the results of their assay of mine prospects.�
A similar search will yield comparable information about Antonio
Espejo, (see also AJ-008, �Account of the Journey to the Provinces and
Settlements of New Mexico, 1583�) a native of Cordoba, Spain, who came
to Mexico in 1571 with his brother Pedro Munoz de Espejo, etc.
Realizing that both men might be good topics for History Day entries,
or that at the very least they could become characters in a group
performance built around information in the Rodr�guez document,
AJ-005, your students could put them on a growing list of people for
whom they will seek further information. That list at this point might
include-in addition to O�ate-Rodr�guez, Espejo, Martin, Diaz de
Vargas, Escalante, Barrado and Sanchez Chamuscado. (Remember that we
started with only one name, O�ate.)
To get them to take the next step, you might want to send your
students once more to the Internet where Google searches for the men
listed above will reveal a lot of additional information on O�ate from
several reputable Web sites (and some from questionable ones as well),
and a little information about Rodr�guez and Sanchez Chamuscado.
Martin, Diaz de Vargas, and Barrado, however, will probably get
negative results-a fact that should not necessarily discount them as
good research topics, but does mean that locating further sources will
take a little more effort. Following the dusty cyber-trail behind
Rodr�guez and Sanchez Chamuscado will sooner or later take you to a
rich source for generalized information on almost any topic that
relates in some way to the history of the state of Texas, The
Handbook of Texas Online. Carefully edited and
published online by the Texas State Historical Association and the
University of Texas, it can often provide substantial assistance at
the beginning of a historical research project. There are probably
similar handbooks and manuals for other states that can be consulted
as well.
The Handbook entry that your students may find on Francisco
Sanchez will tell them that he was born around 1512 and that he died
in 1582. It supplies the fact that he was �a captain in the Spanish
Army . . . was called Chamuscado because of his flaming red
beard. . . was the military leader of the Rodr�guez-Sanchez expedition
[which] crossed the Rio Grande, probably at La Junta de los Rios and
visited Jumano settlements at a site near that of present Presidio
[Texas].� There is more, the most important part of which is a
bibliography provided by the entry�s author, John G. Johnson. It lists
four sources, two books, and two articles from scholarly journals. The
books are Carlos E. Castenada�s, Our Catholic Heritage in Texas,
a seven volume set published between 1936 and 1958, and reprinted in
1976, and George P. Hammond and Agapito Rey�s The Rediscovery of
New Mexico, 1580-1594, published in 1966 by the University of New
Mexico Press. The two articles are from the Southwestern Historical
Quarterly. The one from volume 29, is by Fr. Zephyrin Englehardt,
and is titled �El yllustre Senor Xamuscado.� The other from volume 26,
is called �Supplementary Documents Relating to the
Chamuscado-Rodr�guez Expedition,� and was compiled by J. Lloyd Mecham.
Following a similar trail toward Agustin Rodr�guez will also yield
similar results-he was an �explorer and leader of the Rodr�guez-Sanchez
expedition . . . engaged in missionary work. . . .� Again, the most
important part of the entry is the bibliography which opens wide a
door to further research in both secondary and primary sources.
This brief account only scratches the surface of research
possibilities in the O�ate documents. Of the twelve items there that
deal directly with various phases of O�ate�s adventures, half are from
Herbert Eugene Bolton�s classic Spanish Exploration in the
Southwest, 1542-1706 and the other half is reproduced from George
Hammond and Agapito Rey�s Don Juan de O�ate, Colonizer of New
Mexico, 1595-1628. Here are some of the ways they can be mined.
Long before the beginning of the journey, O�ate had negotiated for
a royal contract authorizing him to undertake the expedition and
setting out inducements and rewards for the proposed colonization.
When the charter was finally awarded, it specified that for
undertaking the venture, the title of governor and captain general was
to be given to him and his family for two generations. When he took
possession of the land he was to become adelantado. The king was to
give him �three fieldpieces, thirty quintals of powder, one hundred
[quintals] of lead.� He was also to receive �a dozen coats of mail,�
but for that he was expected to pay the king, an apparent indication
that armor was in shorter supply than gunpowder and shot and the
cannons to fire them. As soon as he received the official document, he
proceeded immediately to recruit for the journey, but there were
delays. King Philip put off giving him the final go-ahead, then
ordered him to wait for further orders, and then someone recommended
that another person should have the charter-delays, delays. Finally in
the summer of 1597 word came that the trip could begin, but not before
the viceroy has made an inspection to see if the terms of the contract
had been met.
One of the American Journeys documents AJ-101, is �The
Salazar Inspection, 1597-98.� It is the minutely detailed record of
how royal officials in Mexico City sought to insure that O�ate held up
his end of the bargain. It begins, �At the river of San Ger�nimo,
where the expedition to New Mexico is encamped, on December 22, 1597,
Juan de Fr�as Salazar. . . began the inspection in the following
manner:� For sixteen days thereafter, Salazar and his helpers checked
and recorded information, documenting for posterity much more than he
realized. Not only did he list each item by quantity and value,
equally significant and without recognizing it, he told us what was
important to the enterprise as a whole and what the colonists valued
as individuals. In many instances O�ate�s supplies fell short. For
example, on the day that Salazar began the assessment, his notary
wrote, �Wheat: On this same day the governor declared 152 fanegas of
wheat, which were measured in the presence of the commissary general
and me, the notary. According to the price fixed, this amounts to 380
pesos, leaving a shortage of 125 pesos in the amount required in the
contract.� In other words, O�ate had only about three-quarters as much
wheat as he was supposed to have. He had 846 goats and should have had
1000. Instead of the requisite 3,000 sheep, he had only 2,517. But he
had exactly the right number of oxen to pull the carts-198! And the
list goes on.
The facts and figures enable us to judge whether O�ate had
fulfilled his contract, but the list itself provides extensive
information on the lives of these people and shows us much about their
daily life. Passages like the one regarding �short nails� also paint a
picture of their system of weights and measures: �On this day the
governor declared 13,500 short nails, which were weighed before the
commissary general and me. The manner of weighing was to count 1,000
nails and place them in one dish of a balance, while in the other were
added the exact weights. This was how it was established that there
were 13,500 nails.� Why so many nails, your students might ask. Remind
them that the Indians of the southwestern desert had no nails and
O�ate�s people expected to build houses.
The inspection record also has an extensive list of medicinal
items, some of which we recognize, like sarsaparilla, sulphur,
vinegar, balsam, and alum. But, it also lists items with names like
polvos reales, jeziaco ointment, incarnative ointment,
green ointment, and white ointment. A student interested in early
medicine might use such an inventory as a starting point for studying
practices of the period.
You may be able to gauge the potential for projects from other
documents by the following titles and brief descriptions, but you
should also check the American Journeys Web site for more
- The �Record of the Marches by the Army, New Spain to
New Mexico, 1596-1598,� AJ-102, provides a chronology of the
journey. With access to the maps and other geographical
documents it could be used to plot the course of the journey.
- �Trial of the Indians of �coma, 1598,� AJ-104, is
one of relatively few early documents that includes a story from
the Indian point of view although you may want to remind your
students that it was neither recorded nor transcribed by the
Indian in question. A portion of the document provides the
Spanish testimony and the remainder is Indian testimony.
- �Account by an Indian of the Flight of Umana and
Leyba from New Mexico, 1593,� #AJ-103, is another story told by
an Indian about Spaniards in the Southwest. Jusepe was a servant
of Huma�a and lived to tell his story to O�ate. Antonio
Guti�rrez de Huma�a and Francisco de Leyva Bonilla made an
unauthorized expedition into New Mexico and on the way got into
a disagreement that resulted in Huma�a�s killing Leyva. Later
almost all other members of the expedition were killed by
Indians. Officials in Mexico did not know that the group had
been killed, so O�ate had been given instructions to search for
them and �bring them to justice.�
- �Letter Written by Don Juan O�ate from New Mexico,
1599,� AJ-010, is O�ate�s report to the viceroy about the
progress of his venture thus far. He tells of a rebellion
mounted by several of his own troops, complaining that they
rebelled �. . .under protest of not finding immediately whole
plates of silver lying on the ground, and offended because I
would not permit them to maltreat these natives, either in their
persons or in their goods, became disgusted with the country, or
to be more exact, with me, and endeavored to form a gang in
order to flee. . . although judging from what has since come to
light their intention was directed more to stealing slaves and
clothing and to other acts of affrontery not permitted. . . .�
- �Account of the Discovery of the Buffalo, 1599,�
#AJ-011, was obviously written from a location farther east,
somewhere on the Great Plains. It reports not only on the
obvious, their attempts to capture buffalo to in order to send
them back to Mexico, but also on the existence of native fruits,
especially plums, the construction of Plains Indian tents and
the high quality of the tanned hides used to cover them. It also
includes a good description of the Indians� use of �medium-sized
shaggy dog[s]� to pull loads on travois.
- �Account of the Journey to the Salines, the Xumanas,
and the Sea, 1599,� #AJ-012, is something of a travel log from a
lengthy trip around the country. There are many points of
interest, particularly the information about Alonzo, one of the
two sons of Gaspar, an Indian who had been with Coronado. This
is also mentioned in the Espejo document.
- �Account of the Discovery of the Mines, 1599,�
#AJ-013, would today be called a debriefing. O�ate had sent
Farfan de los Godos and eight other men in search of rich mines
rumored to exist. When Farfan returned, O�ate officially
questioned him on many points about his discoveries and
observations. In separate sessions he also had other members of
the party swear to the accuracy of the report by Farfan. This
record of the journey makes very interesting reading.
- �True Account of the Expedition of O�ate Toward the
East, 1601,� #AJ-014, is the recounting of O�ate�s exploration
beyond Quivira-Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas-approximately over
the route Huma�a and Leyva took. O�ate describes meetings with
various groups of Indians, particularly a battle between his
party and a large group of Escanjaques on the return trip to New
- �Investigation of Conditions in New Mexico, 1601,�
#AJ-105, indicates that by 1601 O�ate was a stressed and perhaps
angry man. His people were misbehaving and the Indians were
giving him trouble-the latter should come as no surprise to us!
Several of his men had returned to Mexico City and apparently
discussed their problems with others. Rumors of the situation
reached the viceroy who empowered Don Francisco de Valverde to
�call together the men now in this city and question them fully,
under oath, in regard to [the situation in New Mexico].� This
document is more than a catalog of grievances. It is filled with
details of the lives of both the Spaniards and the Indians.
- �Journey of O�ate to California by Land, 1604
[Written by Ger�nimo Z�rate-Salmeron in 1626], � #AJ-015, is the
account of O�ate�s 1604-05 trip to the �South Sea,� [the Gulf of
California] a venture he had planned to make since arriving in
New Mexico in 1598.