The Problem of Location: Where Were They?
The information preserved in early sources on exploration is
obscured by difficulties with geographical names. By definition,
the explorers who traveled through landscapes not yet surveyed
or settled had only the vaguest geographical knowledge. Before
the great national surveys gathered the cartographic data that
we take for granted, writers could describe locations only in
general terms. To make matters worse, they were unable to
measure longitude with even approximate accuracy: until the
invention of the chronometer about the time of the American
Revolution, explorers simply couldn�t tell how far west they had
For example, in March and April 1543, the Spanish explorer
Garcilaso de la Vega kept notes on a dramatic flood somewhere in
the lower Mississippi River valley: �. . .its water began to
move swiftly out over some immense strands that lay between the
main channel and its cliffs. Afterward the water rose gradually
to the tops of these cliffs and overflowed to the fields with
the greatest speed and volume. . . the river entered the gates
of the little village of Aminoya in the wildness and fury of its
flood, and two days later one could not pass through the streets
of this town except in canoes. The flood was forty days in
reaching its crest, which came on the twentieth of April.� This
is the first description of the seasonal flooding of the
Mississippi; but where, exactly, did it happen?
In most cases, such vagueness is compounded by the fact that
the travelers themselves had no clear idea of where they were.
�We had now penetrated a great distance into the interior of a
wild and uninhabited country,� wrote Charles Johnson, who was
taken captive by Shawnee Indians in 1790 and marched �I knew not
how many miles� into the barren wilderness of central Ohio.
�During the whole march, we subsisted on bear�s meat, venison,
turkeys, and raccoons, with which we were abundantly supplied,
as the ground over which we passed afforded every species of
game in profusion, diminishing, however, as we approached their
villages.� Nice ecological data about mammals and the impact of
human communities-but for what locale?
Solving difficulties such as these usually turns out either
to be simple and straightforward or nearly impossible, with few
cases falling between the two. To unravel such mysteries, first
search Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and America:
History and Life for critical editions, biographies of the
writer, and modern secondary sources on the specific expedition
in question. Chances are good that their editors and authors
will have investigated this problem before you. For example,
recent conference proceedings about the De Soto expedition
include a careful reconstruction of its route by Dr. Charles
Hudson of the University of Georgia, based on archaeological as
well as textual evidence, which fixes the flooded village of
Aminoya outside the current town of Clarksdale, Mississippi.
If there is a shortage of secondary scholarship or if it
failed to solve the geographical problem in sufficient detail,
take note of any place names mentioned in the text, estimate
their approximate locations, and identify local historical
sources for the area. Standard county histories frequently begin
with quotations from or discussions of the first travelers to
penetrate any area, and these may identify conspicuous natural
features. In addition, most states have an official historical
society that produced a series such as Wisconsin Historical
Collections, a nineteenth-century publication that later
grew into a scholarly quarterly. These periodicals often
provided the best outlet for local research, and in them you may
find detailed accounts of localities which refer back to the
earliest textual sources.
Finally, use any names of physical features that may be
mentioned in the text, no matter how small or specific, and
search them in the US Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) Geographic
Names Information System. This massive database contains
information about almost two million physical and cultural
geographic features in the United States, including all the
names used on U.S.G.S. topographic maps. You can search it at
Unfortunately, many landscapes described in textual sources
published before the mid-nineteenth century simply cannot be
identified with any acceptable level of precision. To precisely
locate an early description of a habitat on a modern map and
find it on the ground can be impossible. Charles Johnston, for
example, traveled from the southeastern corner of Ohio to
Detroit, yet we have no way to accurately pin-point the habitats
that he described en route.